日本財団 図書館


(1) Revision of the Work System


By the revision of the work system, we are referring to separating of inspections and maintenance work, and changing from day-time to night-time work, from as-required to periodic repairs, from dispersed to group work, and from directly managed to outsourced work.
Japan has undergone all these revisions. However, it is important that systems are revised to match the conditions of railway divisions by first test running the new systems in some sections to discover their merits and demerits.


(2) Mechanization


The mechanization of maintenance work is essential to modern society. Young people would rather use a hand-held tamper than a beater, and would prefer to operate a multiple tie-tamper rather than use a hand-held tamper. Mechanization must be encouraged to draw young workers to track maintenance work.
Although this is easy enough to say, bringing in machines all at once does not necessarily guarantee success. In the recent past, Japan purchased nearly one hundred multiple tie- tampers, some of which became out-of-date before they were even operated. Machines must be introduced with ample preparation time, taking into account improvement of the technological base and operator training.
To use machines effectively, train intervals in which to operate the machines are necessary.
Therefore, for sections where intervals cannot be secured during the day, use during the night-time hours is essential.


4 Structure Countermeasures


Earth structures and bridges are directly affected by train load.
Earth structures formed by banking and cutting, comprise the roadbed supporting track, and have slopes, and retaining wall, bank protection, side ditches, slope protection, drains and cross drains which cut accoss earth structures are positioned in various locations as auxiliary structures.
Bridges are constructed to secure a certain amount of space below the railway roadbed, and are classified according to their purpose, dynamic structure and materials.
Tunnels are structures used to secure railway spaces within the ground, and at the same time work to support the train load.


4.1 Earth Roadbeds


The surface of earth roadbeds which contacts the ballast tends to sink after long years of repeated loads and erosion due to rainfall, causing the ballast to cut into the roadbed and





